Missions · Reaching the World for Christ
Connecting to the Lost is the third step in our Discipleship Process. This is the point when a disciple goes and makes disciples. Missions is all about making disciples. Proclaiming the Good News of salvation in Jesus alone to our “at-home” neighbors and around the world so that they may come to know Him and follow Him as Savior and Lord is the mission of the church. At its core, this is missions. It is done by crossing the street or crossing the ocean. This is what Jesus has called us to do in Matthew 28:19-20 when He said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This is our mission. At RBF, we seek to support those who are on the mission field, serving the lost all over the world. However, we want to be more than just financial supporters; we seek to join them on this disciple-making mission personally, serving the lost by showing and sharing with them the Good News. Below, you will find a list of missionaries and missions that we support and serve with.
Missions We Support:
- Backpack Buddies
- Endless Frontiers- John and Cami Oyoo - Ghana
- Engage - Tonya Small - Lafayette, IN
- Foresight Forgivers/Nazareth Man House - Indianapolis, IN
- The Gideons
- Kokomo Rescue Mission in Kokomo, Indiana
- Living Alternatives
- Launch - Ben and Nettie Beck, West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University
- Pregnancy/Resource Center in Frankfort, Indiana
- Bimi - Mark and Brenda Liedtke - Honduras
- Operation Christmas Child – Samaritan’s Purse
- Rossville Community Outreach
- Rossville Community Service
- Rossville Release Time Bible Ed.
- Rossville Food Pantry
- TEAM -- Italy - Steve, Stephanie, Simeon, and Elisa Standridge - Italy
- Teenserve
- Turnabout Community Resource Center in Russiaville IN
- World Missionary Press in New Paris, Indiana
Mission Trips/Mission Ministy Involvment:
- Teen Serve - Yearly Teen Mission Trip
- Operation Christmas Child - Drop-off Location
- Kokomo Rescue Mission - Serving Meals Monthly
- Kokomo Rescue Mission - Walk-a-mile in My Shoes
- Trunk or Treat
- Rossville Food Pantry - Food Collection and Delivery
- Rossville Schools Backpack Ministry - Collection, Packing, and Delivery